Informing Policy through Quantification of the Intellectual Property Lock-in Associated with DoD Acquisition (bibtex)
by Christopher W. Berardi, Bruce G. Cameron, Edward F. Crawley
Informing Policy through Quantification of the Intellectual Property Lock-in Associated with DoD Acquisition (Christopher W. Berardi, Bruce G. Cameron, Edward F. Crawley), In Defense Acquisition Research Journal, volume 24, 2017. ()
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Christopher W. Berardi and Cameron, Bruce G. and Crawley, Edward F.},
	date-modified = {2019-10-23 16:57:29 -0400},
	doi = {10.22594/dau.16-767.24.03},
	journal = {Defense Acquisition Research Journal},
	note = {<a href="" onclick="target='new'"><img src="" alt="pdf" /></a>},
	number = {3},
	pages = {432--467},
	title = {{Informing Policy through Quantification of the Intellectual Property Lock-in Associated with DoD Acquisition}},
	volume = {24},
	year = {2017},
	bdsk-url-1 = {}}
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