by Wen Feng, Donald R. Lessard, Edward F. Crawley, Olivier L. de Weck
Stakeholder Value Network and Strategic Issues for the Shaping of Large Engineering Projects (Wen Feng, Donald R. Lessard, Edward F. Crawley, Olivier L. de Weck), In Engineering Project Organizations Conference (EPOC) -- International Community, 2013. ()
Bibtex Entry:
address = {Winter Park, CO.},
author = {Wen Feng and Donald R. Lessard and Edward F. Crawley and Olivier L. de Weck},
journal = {Engineering Project Organizations Conference (EPOC) -- International Community},
month = {July 9-11},
note = {<a href="" onclick="target='new'"><img src="" alt="pdf" /></a>},
title = {Stakeholder Value Network and Strategic Issues for the Shaping of Large Engineering Projects},
year = {2013}}