Contract Structures for SatCom: How will Competition from LEO Mega Constellations Change How Communications Services Are Purchased? (bibtex)
by Markus Guerster, James Dingley, Edward F. Crawley, Bruce G. Cameron
Contract Structures for SatCom: How will Competition from LEO Mega Constellations Change How Communications Services Are Purchased? (Markus Guerster, James Dingley, Edward F. Crawley, Bruce G. Cameron), In New Space, 2022. ()
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Markus Guerster and James Dingley and Edward F. Crawley and Bruce G. Cameron},
	date-added = {2022-08-11 09:38:20 -0400},
	date-modified = {2024-06-17 13:27:23 -0400},
	journal = {New Space},
	note = {<a href="" onclick="target='new'"><img src="" alt="pdf" /></a>},
	title = {Contract Structures for SatCom: How will Competition from LEO Mega Constellations Change How Communications Services Are Purchased?},
	year = {2022}}
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