by Demetrios Kellari, Edward F. Crawley, Bruce G. Cameron
Architectural decisions in commercial aircraft from the DC3 to the 787 (Demetrios Kellari, Edward F. Crawley, Bruce G. Cameron), In Journal of Aircraft (, volume 55, 2018. ()
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Kellari, Demetrios and Crawley, Edward F. and Cameron, Bruce G.},
date-modified = {2019-01-23 14:24:18 -0500},
journal = {Journal of Aircraft (},
note = {<a href="" onclick="target='new'"><img src="" alt="pdf" /></a>},
number = {2},
pages = {792-804},
title = {Architectural decisions in commercial aircraft from the DC3 to the 787},
volume = {55},
year = {2018}}