A Unified Resource Allocation Framework and Impact Evaluation for NGSO satellite constellations (bibtex)
by Nils Pachler, Juan Jose Garau Luis, Edward F. Crawley, Bruce G. Cameron
A Unified Resource Allocation Framework and Impact Evaluation for NGSO satellite constellations (Nils Pachler, Juan Jose Garau Luis, Edward F. Crawley, Bruce G. Cameron), In International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking, 2024. ()
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Nils Pachler and Juan Jose Garau Luis and Edward F. Crawley and Bruce G. Cameron},
	date-modified = {2024-12-12 11:32:06 -0500},
	journal = {International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking},
	note = {<a href="http://systemarchitect.mit.edu/docs/pachler23b.pdf" onclick="target='new'"><img src="http://systemarchitect.mit.edu/images/page_white_acrobat.png" alt="pdf" /></a>},
	title = {A Unified Resource Allocation Framework and Impact Evaluation for NGSO satellite constellations},
	year = {2024}}
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