Avoiding Self-Interference in Megaconstellations through Cooperative Satellite Routing and Frequency Assignment (bibtex)
by Nils Pachler, Edward F. Crawley, Bruce G. Cameron
Avoiding Self-Interference in Megaconstellations through Cooperative Satellite Routing and Frequency Assignment (Nils Pachler, Edward F. Crawley, Bruce G. Cameron), In Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2024. ()
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Nils Pachler and Edward F. Crawley and Bruce G. Cameron},
	journal = {Journal on Selected Areas in Communications},
	note = {<a href="http://systemarchitect.mit.edu/docs/pachler24b.pdf" onclick="target='new'"><img src="http://systemarchitect.mit.edu/images/page_white_acrobat.png" alt="pdf" /></a>},
	title = {Avoiding Self-Interference in Megaconstellations through Cooperative Satellite Routing and Frequency Assignment},
	year = {2024}}
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