Results of the MIT Space Communication and Navigation Architecture Study (bibtex)
by Marc Sanchez Net, Daniel Selva, Bruce G. Cameron, Edward F. Crawley, Bernard Seery, Antonios Seas
Results of the MIT Space Communication and Navigation Architecture Study (Marc Sanchez Net, Daniel Selva, Bruce G. Cameron, Edward F. Crawley, Bernard Seery, Antonios Seas), In 2014 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2014. ()
Bibtex Entry:
	address = {Big Sky, Montana},
	author = {Marc Sanchez Net and Daniel Selva and Bruce G. Cameron and Edward F. Crawley and Bernard Seery and Antonios Seas},
	booktitle = {2014 IEEE Aerospace Conference},
	date-added = {2013-11-26 22:51:03 +0000},
	date-modified = {2013-11-26 22:52:01 +0000},
	month = {March 1-8},
	note = {<a href="" onclick="target='new'"><img src="" alt="pdf" /></a>},
	organization = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers},
	title = {Results of the MIT Space Communication and Navigation Architecture Study},
	year = {2014}}
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